List of Participants
Wu Shin-Ting and Augusto Valente (University of Campinas, Brazil)
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M A ()
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Asad Abu-Tarif (DocLab, ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
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Iman Aganj (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
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Helmut Alt (Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
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Henrique Amaral (University of Sao Paulo (Brazil))
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Henrique Amaral-Silva (University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) / University of Washington (USA))
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L. Arata (Z-Kat, Inc)
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Edgar Arce-Santana (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi)
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J. Atif (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France)
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Maryna Babayeva (BrainLAB)
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Azi Bashiri (UWM)
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aa bb ()
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aa bb (ss)
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Jong Beom Ra (Image Systems Lab.)
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Enrique Bermejo (University of Granada)
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Joshua Bierbrier (McGill University)
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zo bo (bo)
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Zois Boukouvalas (Rochester Institute of Technology)
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Mikael Brudfors (UCL)
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Sebastian Butzek (Universitätsklinikum Essen)
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jeremy C ()
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Nathan Cahill (University of Oxford)
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young cai (
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Carlos Caldart ()
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Zisheng CAO (HKU)
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Carlos R. Castro-Pareja (University of Maryland School of Medicine)
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Pedro Cespedes (Proffesor of National University of Asuncion Paraguay, Polytechnic Faculty)
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Chen Chen (UT Arlington)
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Beijing Chen (Ningbo University,Ningbo City,Zhejiang Province,China)
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Hua-mei Chen (Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York)
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Ming Chen (First Military Medical University, Guangzhou, China)
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Hua-mei Chen (Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.)
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yilin chen (whu)
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Tianyu Cheng (NanJing)
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Tianyu Cheng (
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Albert C. S. Chung (Dept Comp Sci & Eng, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
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xiaodong cun (University Of Macau)
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Dante De Nigris (McGill University)
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Denis Desseree (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
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TS Dimitris (heaven)
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Zexian Dong (EE)
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Gurbandurdy Dovletov (University of Duisburg-Essen)
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Ted Duncan (UCSF)
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Sachitsing Dwarkan (University of Calgary - Imaging Informatics Lab)
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Oscar Esteban (Biomedical Image Technologies Group - U. Politécnica Madrid)
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Yong Fan (National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition)
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Mauricio Farez (FLENI)
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Vivien Fécamp (Centre for Visual Computing)
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M. Feixas (Universitat de Girona, Catalonia)
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Mike Fitzpatrick (Vanderbilt)
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Rui Gan (Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
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Gabriel Alberto Giménez (Universidad Nacional de Asunción )
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Daniel Glodeck ()
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Test Group ()
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Alexandre Guimond (None)
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Benjamin Gutierrez Becker (CAMP TU München)
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Jean-Marie Guyader (Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam)
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Dieter Hahn (University Erlangen Nuremberg)
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Omar Hamo (Otto Von Guericke UNI Magdeburg)
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Frida Hauler (Medical University Vienna)
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Baochun HE (northeastern university)
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Renjie He (University of Texas Medical School at Houston)
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Zhijing HE (Northeastern university )
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André HMP (UFSC)
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Lars Jaskulski (HAW-Hamburg)
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Xavier Jiménez (CRC-CIM)
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Xavier Jimenez (MIT)
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Xavier Jimenez (UPC)
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Xavier Jimenez (FPM)
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Julien Jomier (Kitware Inc.)
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Julien Jomier (Kitware Inc.)
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Sarang Joshi (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC)
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Leo Joskowicz (Comp. Asst. Surg. and Med. Im. Proc. Lab, U. Jerusalem, Israel)
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T. K. (Tokyo)
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T. K. (Tokyo)
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Foyj Ullah Khan ()
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Mike L ()
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Stephen Lang (The Aptec Group, LLC)
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Rudy Lapeer (School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
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Andres Larroza (I3M (CSIC-UPV))
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Lorenzo López (FP UNA)
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Daewon Lee (Dept. Empirical Inference, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)
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Daewon Lee (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics)
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Sihan Li (Tsinghua University)
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Yongfang Liang (the University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas)
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Lin Lin (Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Huazhong University of)
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Wen Xin Ling ()
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Jiangang Liu (Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science)
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Chi-Hsiang Lo (Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44240, USA)
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Andrew Lock (
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Hongxia Luan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China)
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Drongo M (BOA)
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xu man ()
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nie mao ()
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Kevin Mark ()
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Mst. Nargis Aktar and Mark R. Pickering (UNSW Canberra)
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S. Martin (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom)
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Ross Mitchell (Dept. Computer Science, Univ. Calgary)
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Marc Modat (UCL)
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zohre mohamadi (alzahra university)
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Mauro Namias (Fundacion Escuela de Medicina Nuclear, Mendoza, Argentina)
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Giri Narasimhan (School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University)
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Lydia Ng (Insightful Corporation, Seattle WA)
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Jeff Orchard (David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo)
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Boris Oreshkin (McGill University)
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Borislav Oreshkin (McGill University)
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Parissa Owji (McGill University)
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Jorge Perez (UNAM)
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Mathew Philip ()
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William Plishker ()
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Mathias Polfliet (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
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Mathias Polfliet (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
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Yuchuan Qiao ()
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Binjie Qin (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
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Jong Beom Ra (School of EECS, KAIST)
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M. Rahmati (AmirKabir University of Technology, Iran)
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Wilburn E. Reddick (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital)
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Haiping Ren (Cancer hospital of PUMC/CAMS, Beijing, China)
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David Rivest-Henault (CSIRO)
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Claudia E. Rodriguez-Carranza (The George Washington University)
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Peter Roesch (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Germany)
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Peter Rogelj (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
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Torsten Rohlfing (SRI International)
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R. A. Ros (IPEN and MEVIS, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
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mathieu rubeaux (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l\'Image (LTSI), UMR INSERM 642)
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R. S. (ANU)
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Marimuthu Sankaralingam (Dept Med Phys, Royal Sussex County Hosp, Brighton, UK)
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alireza sedghi (queens)
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Kurt Seiler (XYZ)
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Agne Shah (selftesting)
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zhang shaomin (Northeastern University, China)
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Johannes Simon (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
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Nova Smedley (UCLA)
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Ziga Spiclin (University of Ljubljana)
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Marius Staring (LUMC)
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Jun Sun (School of Information Technology, Southern Yangtze U., China)
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A. Tanacs (University of Szeged, Hungary)
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Md. Zamiya Zaman Tanmay ()
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test test (test)
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Philippe Thevenaz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne)
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Cheng Tianyu (NantongUniversity)
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D. Tomazevic (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
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Augusto Valente ()
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Teja Veeramacheneni (Brain Health Alliance)
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Justin Wan (University of Waterloo)
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C Wang (University of Edinburgh)
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Kevin Wang (Robarts Research Institute)
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Helen Webb (none)
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bo wei ()
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Jonghye Woo (University of Maryland/JHU)
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qin wu (Hunan University China)
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yu xiaodan (Nantong University)
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Weicheng Xie (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
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Xiaoyan Xu (University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada)
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Young Yang (THU)
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Ophelia Yang (UCLA)
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S.K. Yeung (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
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Li Yi (BUAA)
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Kean Yu (Nantong Univercity)
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Evangelia I. Zacharaki (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
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Q. Zhang (University of Warwick)
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Yang-Ming Zhu (Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio 44143, USA)
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Darko Zikic (Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP), Technische Universität München, Germany)
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