Protocols for accesssing information

Two files = one image

Each image will consist of two files, a header file and a data file. The header is in ASCII with lines separated by line feeds.  The data file is a stream of two-byte two's complement integers.  The two file names will be always be as follows:


The suffix “ascii” indicates that the file is a text file coded in ASCII. The suffix “bin” indicates that the file is a stream of binary numbers. The numbers are encoded as two-byte two's complement integers.  The byte order is big-endian.  This order is the standard for Sun workstations. Odd and even bytes must be interchanged for DEC VAX computers and Intel 80x86 microprocessors.

An additional file named


will be included for convenience.  The contents of image.bin.Z are redundant: It contains a compressed version of image.bin.  It is produced with the UNIX “compress” command.  The UNIX compression algorithm is lossless and can be reversed with the UNIX “uncompress” command.  This file is provided so that file transfer time can be reduced for those with access to the UNIX compression programs.

The voxel file

The “.bin” file contains the voxels in row-column-slice order, meaning that the first voxel in the file should be displayed in the upper left of  the screen, the second voxel should be displayed to the right of the first,  etc., until the end of the row is reached.  The next voxel should be displayed below the first voxel of the file, the next to the right of that, etc., until

one complete slice is displayed.  The first voxel of the second slice follows the last voxel of the first slice, etc.

 The number of rows, columns, and slices is given in header.ascii.  If the number of rows, columns, and slices were, for example, 3, 5, 2, the 30 voxels of the image.bin file (each of which occupies two bytes) should be displayed as follows:

Display of slice 1---
 1    2    3    4    5
 6    7    8    9  10
11  12  13  14  15

Display of slice 2---

16  17  18  19  20
21  22  23  24  25
26  27  28  29  30    

(Once this canonical display orientation is understood, other display orientations are reasonable as long as they represent proper rotations from this basic orientation.)

The Header file

Our header format is an adaptation of the guidelines outlined in the appendix to Technical Report No. CUCS-369-88, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 by G. Q. Maguire, Jr. and M. E. Noz.  That document provides more than one standard.  We have chosen to follow most closely the recommended ACR-NEMA Definitions in Section 3, which in turn conform with ACR/NEMA Standards Publication No. 300-1988: “Digital Imaging and Communications”, also known as the “DICOM” standard.  We have altered the standard by adding the number of slices to the “Image Presentation Information” group (see below) so that the format can accommodate the third dimension of our volume images.

The information groups

Each header is organized into five groups.  Each group is organized into a set of keyword-value pairs separated by “:=”.  The first keyword in every group is “Group length”: Group length := n

Here n is the number of bytes following that line and extending through the rest of the entries in that group.  Each group is followed by a blank line (one extra line feed).All five groups are present in each image header, and they occur in the same order as follows:

1. Identifying Information
2. Patient Information
3. Acquisition Information
4. Relationship Information
5. Image Presentation Information

These group labels are not included explicitly in the header.  They are listed as types of information prescribed in Table 4-1 of the ACR/NEMA standard.  (The guidelines of Maguire and Noz deal with these types in subsections 3.3 through 3.6.)

Detailed group descriptions

Each group name is terminated with a colon here, but with := in the header file.  Sets of possible field values are given within braces ({}) here. Descriptions of the meaning of the field are begun here with a double slash (//).

Identifying Information

Group length: //The number of bytes in the rest of the group
Length to end: //the number of bytes in the rest of the header file
Modality: {MR, CT, PET}
Manufacturer: {Siemens} //the manufacturer of the scanners in this project
Institution ID: {Vanderbilt University} //the source of the images
Comments: //a message to serve as a reminder that the images may not used outside this project.

Patient Information

Group length: //The number of bytes in the rest of the group
Other Patient ID: //a serial number used only for this project.
 Comments: //a message stating that “Other patient ID” is unrelated to the actual patient ID.

Acquisition Information

Group length: //The number of bytes in the rest of the group
Contrast/Bolus agent: //The value is “none” if there is no contrast agent.
Scanning sequence: {SE} //This line is present only for MR; only SE, meaning “Spin Echo”, is used in this project.
Radionuclide: //This line is present only for PET; it is the name of the isotope administered.
Slice thickness: //The units are millimeters.
KVP: //This line is present only for CT; it is the tube voltage.
Repetition time: //This line is present only for MR; it is TR in milliseconds.
Echo time: //This line is present only for MR; it is TE in milliseconds.
Number of averages: //This line is present only for MR; it is the number of acquisitions without change in any parameters (to reduce noise).
Gantry tilt: //This line is present only for CT and PET; machine's tilt.
Exposure time: //This line is present only for CT; units are milliseconds.
Exposure rate: //This line is present only for CT; units are milliamperes.
Comments: {T1,PD,T2} //This line is present only for MR; it labels the image as T1, PD, or T2 weighted (as determined by the TR and TE values).

Relationship Information

Group length: //The number of bytes in the rest of the group
Study: {1, 2, 3, 4} //a set of series of one modality
Series: {1, 2, 3} //a set of logically related acquisitions
Acquisition: {1, 2} //a single continuous gathering of data over time
Patient Orientation: {L : P : H} //indicates three directions within the patient: toward the Left, toward the Posterior, and toward the top of the Head, respectively.  The  same orientation will be used throughout this project.
Source image IDs: //This line is present only for rectified MR; it gives the Study\Series\Acquisition for each of two images, one with forward and one with reverse readout gradients.  These are the two images that are used to construct this image. 
Modified image description: {Rectified image} //This line is present only for rectified MR.
Comments: //This line is present only for rectified MR; it states that the image is a composition of two acquisitions.

Only the following nine combinations of Study\Series\Acquisition will be present in the database of images in this project:

1\1\1 = CT

2\1\1 = PET

3\1\1 = MR-T1
3\2\1 = MR-PD
3\3\1 = MR-T2

4\1\1 = Rectified MR-T1
4\2\1 = Rectified MR-PD
4\3\1 = Rectified MR-T2

5\1\1 = MP-RAGE

 (The registration tasks will be to register each of the first two image types, CT and PET, to each of the last six MR types for a total of 12 registrations per patient.)

In the value field of Patient Orientation three letters are given. These three letters indicate the orientation of the patient relative to the volume image.  The first letter indicates the direction that corresponds to an increasing column index (along a row to the right on the display screen according to the canonical display described above).  The second letter indicates the direction that corresponds to an increasing row index (down a column in the canonical display).  The third letter indicates the direction that corresponds to an increasing slice number. 

The 30 voxel file described in Section 2 provides a convenient example. We assume that the Patient Orientation field is L : P : H.  Then the view displayed above is transverse as seen from the patient's feet with the patient's nose up,

 Display of slice 1, which is closer to the bottom of the feet---


           |   1     2     3     4     5 |

  Right |   6     7     8     9   10 | Left

           | 11   12   13   14   15 |





  Display of slice 2, which is closer to the top of the head---




           | 16   17   18   19   20 |

  Right | 21   22   23   24   25 | Left

           | 26   27   28   29   30 |


(In addition to L, P, and H, the following letters are defined in the ACR-NEMA standard: R for “toward the Right”, A for “toward the Anterior”, F for “toward the bottom of the Feet”.)

Image Presentation Information

   Image dimensions := {3} //Always 3 in this project.

                      Rows := {128,256,512} //Number of rows in each slice

                 Columns := {128,256,512} //Number of columns in each slice

                      Slices := //Number of slices in the volume

                 Pixel size := 1.250000 : 1.250000 //The units are millimeters.

  Compression code := //The .Z extension indicates compression via the Unix compress command, employs adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding.

          Bits allocated := {16} //Before compression

              Bits stored := {16} //Before compression

                   High bit := {15}  //Most significant bit;

 Pixel representation := {1}  //1 means two's complement integer

 Smallest pixel value := -65,536 //equals -2^16

  Largest pixel value := +65,535 //equals +2^16 - 1

 (If the reader is not interested in the ACR-NEMA guidelines per se, s/he need read no further.)

While it is not crucial to this project, it may be of interest to know that the numbering used in the Relationship Information is an adaptation of the ACR-NEMA guidelines.  As shown in Figure 1 on the next page, the labels are hierarchically related via a hierarchy defined in those guidelines.  (Those familiar with this hierarchy will notice that we have not followed the guidelines strictly.  The guidelines dictate that the subclass, “Image” should be included below the class Acquisition.  We have omitted this finest division for simplicity.)

 The eight image types that are listed above (i.e., the ones that occur in the database) are denoted in the figure by asterisks (*).  The images without asterisks are additional MR images (with reversed readout gradients) that are required for the production of the rectified MR images.

 The values for Study\Series\Acquisition are given in brackets with each acquisition.


        |--Study 1--(CT)

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 1--

        |                      |

        |                      |--Acquisition 1* [1\1\1]



        |--Study 2--(PET)

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 1--

        |                      |

        |                      |--Acquisition 1* [2\1\1]



        |--Study 3--(MR)

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 1--(T1)

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 1* (Forward gradient) [3\1\1]

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 2  (Reverse gradient) [3\1\2]

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 2--(PD)

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 1* (Forward gradient) [3\2\1]

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 2 (Reverse gradient) [3\2\2]

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 3--(T2)

        |                      |

        |                      |--Acquisition 1* (Forward gradient) [3\3\1]

        |                      |

        |                      |--Acquisition 2 (Reverse gradient) [3\3\2]




        |--Study 4--(Rectified images derived as composites from Study 2)

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 1--(T1)

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 1* (from 3\1\1 and 3\1\2)  [4\1\1]

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 2--(PD)

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 1* (from 3\2\1 and 3\2\2)  [4\2\1]

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 3--(T2)

        |                      |

        |                      |--Acquisition 1* (from 3\3\1 and 3\3\2)  [4\3\1]


        |--Study 5--(MP-RAGE)

        |          |

        |          |

        |          |--Series 1--

        |          |           |

        |          |           |--Acquisition 1* [5\1\1]

FIGURE 1:  The hierarchical relationship of Study, Series, and Acquisition number and their meanings. 

Only the acquisitions with asterisks are included in the project.